Artificial lawn

Césped Artificial

Too cost of water in his garden?

We install artificial lawn of maximum quality in all type of surfaces adapting us to the needs of our clients and to the best price.

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The evolution of the artificial lawn has achieved to imitate so well the appearance of the natural lawn that when is correctly placed and combined with trees and plants goes him to cost distinguish them.
The lawns that install have the fibres slightly onduladas and at the same time possess a filament of nylon inner that achieves to give him this confident appearance, natural and very retractable. 


  • They do not appreciate the joints.
  • It is anti-allergic and fireproof.
  • Guarantee of 8 years.
  • It does not affect him the adverse climatology.


SHORT: Appearance very natural, retractil with tall memory and small curling brown, adapted for all type of gardens. Measures: 25mm.

Nature:  Product more campestre and less soft, very resembled a natural lawn very cuidadio, very resistant to the pisoteo. Measure: 30 mm.

GOLD:Appearance “recently cut”, fresco and natural. Strong and silky with long and pleasant fibres. Measures: 35 mm. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat