Aromatic and culinary plants

Plantas aromáticas y culinarias

The aromatic plants are perfect to have them near at hand. 

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The aromatic plants are rich in micronutrientes and essential oils that enrich the foods with vitamins and mineral, have active principles with therapeutic properties to benefit us.

The best of are plants is that we can till them we same home, already was by means of seeds or, buying trays with plántulas of each type, in this way can have in our house a mini kitchen garden or plant them in the garden to be able to enjoy of them and have them to our scope.

The only requirements to have a space with aromatic plants are:

  • That they receive direct natural sunlight.
  • Credit them with sustratos organic.
  • Maintain a constant humidity always valuing the period of the year.

If you want that they grow you fast and can use them what before is better to use saplings that seeds, since these last have a longer process of growth.

To continuation teach you a few plants with his profits for the health and to use them in the cookery.

The laurel, is excellent for marinar or aromatizar flesh, fish and legumes. Also it has an action antiséptica and digestive for our body.

The basil that uses to do sauces, guisos or vegetables among others, is a big tonic for the digestion and has action antiinflamatoria.

The romero indispensable for recipes of flesh and fish or lunches to the oven/ grill is a digestive plant.

The parsley like condiment to improve the flavours of our vegetables, fish or flesh and besides is a desinfectante intestinal.

The stevia is a plant of the family of the asteráceas, how the sunflower, that has a capacity edulcorante equivalent to 300 times the one of the sugar. It uses for endulzar the foods with very little quantity.

The mint can use it in variety of recipes like salads of fruits, ice creams, sherbets etc, has big digestive properties, against the nauseas and effect refrescante.

The coriander uses in cookery to give flavour, besides uses for digestive problems.

The oregano gives him flavour to crowd of our dishes, the most common, the pizza. Also it stimulates the digestion and combat respiratory conditions.

The ideal thyme to give flavour to soups, vegetables or cereals, stimulates the appetite, protects the throat and favours the sleep.

The plant of the strawberry is very good option to have it home, has a tall content in fibre, vitamins, antioxidant, mineral and sour fólico. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat