They can you plant them improve the environment of work?

¿Pueden las plantas mejorar el ambiente de trabajo?

Profits to have plants in your space of work.

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They can you plant them improve the environment of the work?

The response is yes, after several studios made by different experts fits to stand out that have something of vegetation in our environment of work can do that we feel us happier, more relaxed and more productive.

The plants in the office no only serve us to decorate but we achieve an environment of calm work and improved, allows to loan attention with more ease, reduces the tiredness and the fatigue, augments the productivity, humidifican and oxigenan the office.

This is due to that the plants absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, are the best natural filter of the air and allows to create a more natural space, besides help to reduce the powder and the pollution and contribute to cushion the noise.

It depends of the space that have, of the conditions of heating or airs conditioned or of natural sunlight, as far as have in our place of work will be able to choose an extensive range of varieties of plants that produce us these profits without giving us excessive work in his cares.

One of the most common options is to put cactus since his little need of water does that we do not have to be slopes of his care, besides neutralise the electromagnetic waves averting the tiredness, the cefaleas and the sleeplessness after long exposure to an environment uploaded electrically.

Or the Philodendron is a plant that achieves to maintain to line the headaches, the somnolencia and the stray of concentration , a good plant that augments the productivity.

The Spathiphyllum requires very little light and clean the air of the environment, ideal to have it inside the office. It neutralises the electromagnetic waves. 

The Epipremnum aureum or potus has been classified by the NASA as one of the plants that purifican the air of way but effective.

The sansevieria or tongue of tiger does not need big cares , needs very little water, clean the air and improves the problems of breath and reduces the stress.

If you were thinking in what plant to put in your office to improve the environment, decorate or achieve profits here have some ideal options.

By: Claudia Garcia


Epipremnum aureum
Sansevieria - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat